Friday, August 30, 2013

Tebow + Patriots = ...

I’m a lifelong New England Patriots fan.  As a fan of any Boston area team (except for the 80’s Celtics), I had to see a lot of bad before the good started happening. I appreciate what has occurred in the last 12-13 years, and I know that as soon as Tom Brady is gone, we will probably be back to watching a mediocre team again.  I’m fine with this, because I try not to dwell on the negative.  I don’t believe a fan can complain if their team has won the big one fairly recently.  This isn’t Cleveland, for example, where those fans haven’t seen any championships since the Indians won in 1948. 

I am an Atheist.  I don’t believe in god.  I say this as a prelude to the following statement: I like Tim Tebow.  I think he is a good human being, and I admire the fact that his faith has driven him to do a lot of good in the world, even if I don’t share those beliefs.  Anything I have seen or heard of/from him as a person is extraordinary.  His mother and father seem like the types of parents everyone should strive to be.  I also think he has that special something that makes him a tremendous leader in the community and on the football field.  If I had a son (or daughter) I would be thrilled if they selected Tim Tebow as a second male role model after me.  However…

Tim Tebow will not, nor should not, be a New England Patriot in the 2013 NFL season.  The man lacks the advanced skill set required to succeed at quarterback on that level.  This is not news, I realize, but I wanted to be the 34,567,987th football fan to say it.  Anyone who thinks he can just flip the switch and become a tight end or H-back is being very disrespectful to those positions and the men that play them.  He is just plain done.

 His presence at training camp has been a breath of fresh air during a difficult time to be a Patriot fan.  I sincerely wish he was better, because having a guy like Tebow as one of your teammates has to be fantastic.  He doesn’t strike me as the type of guy that throws his faith in your face if you don’t want it, and he cares deeply about the team and winning games.  My idea is to convince him that he is no longer a football player, and hire him as part of the front office.   He could be a valuable member of the public relations team, because if anyone always says the right thing, it’s Tim Tebow.

I know that whatever Tim Tebow in his life he will succeed at.  Well, except NFL quarterback.  No amount of will and faith will help him there.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Rayman Legends PS3 Trophy List courtesy


There are 51 Trophies.
 Legendary (Platinum)
Win all trophies in the game!
 Barbara's Free! (Bronze)
Free The Barbarian princess
 Rock that castle! (Bronze)
Complete the "Castle Rock" painting
 Orchestrate this! (Bronze)
Complete the "Orchestral Chaos" painting
 Mad world! (Bronze)
Complete the "Mariachi Madness" painting
 Splash! (Bronze)
Complete the "Gloo Gloo" painting
 Dragon Rider! (Bronze)
Complete the "Dragon Slayer" painting
 Journey to the moon (Silver)
Get rid of the five Dark Teensies
 World Tour! (Gold)
Complete the "Living Dead Party" world
 Princess savior! (Silver)
Rescue the 10 princesses
 Teensies' friend (Bronze)
Rescue 150 Teensies
 Teensies' hero (Silver)
Rescue 300 Teensies
 The chosen one (Gold)
Rescue all the kidnapped Teensies
 Lucky! (Bronze)
Scratch 10 lucky tickets
 Scratch me! (Silver)
Win and scratch all the lucky tickets
 We could be heroes (Bronze)
Collect enough lums to unlock 10 Heroes paintings in the Heroes Gallery
 Sooo rich! (Silver)
Gather 1 million lums and unlock the final Hero
 They're so cute! (Bronze)
Win 30 creatures
 I just love them! (Silver)
Win all the creatures
 Master of the locks (Bronze)
Break all the locks on the worlds' and levels' paintings
 Invaders! (Bronze)
Save enough Teensies and get rid of the Dark Teensies to make all the Invasion paintings appear
 That was fast! (Bronze)
Go fast enough to save 3 Teensies in an Invasion painting
 Perfect! (Bronze)
Get the 3 lums cups and the 3 Teensy cups of a painting
 Swiped clean! (Bronze)
Save all the Teensies in one world to win a Diamond Cup
 Bronze Addict (Bronze)
Win all the Bronze Cups from the paintings
 Silver Addict (Bronze)
Win all the Silver Cups from the paintings
 Gold Addict (Bronze)
Win all the Gold Cups from the paintings
 Diamond Addict (Silver)
Win all the Diamond Cups from the World paintings
 Nostalgia (Bronze)
Finish your first "Back to Origins" painting
 Old school (Silver)
Finish all the "Back to Origins" paintings
 Turnip combo (Bronze)
Pull a turnip out of the ground with a crush attack, then hit it with a jump kick
 Strike! (Bronze)
Kill 5 enemies using turnips
 Gardener (Bronze)
Pull 100 turnips out of the ground
 This ain't a platform! (Bronze)
Stand on top of an enemy with a shield until he tries to attack you
 Axe skater (Bronze)
With Barbara or Elysia, slide on your axe for 30 meters
 Bad joke (Bronze)
Destroy the parachutes of 5 enemies to make them fall
 Shoot them up! (Bronze)
Get rid of 100 enemies with the Flying Punch
 Let him do the job (Bronze)
In one run of "Lucha Libre Get Away", let the Luchador kill 10 enemies for you
 Bouncing Island (Bronze)
Collect all the lums flying above the bouncing island in "The Mysterious Inflatable Island"
 Watch out! (Bronze)
Kill 10 Toads using their electric projectiles
 Splinter Ray (Bronze)
Go through "Mansion of the Deep" without crossing any light from a Dark Sentry or touching any laser
 Rubber Ducks (Bronze)
Destroy 5 Rubber Ducks sent by Sharkmen
 Just kick it! (Bronze)
Win one Kung Foot game
 Challenger! (Bronze)
Unlock all the Challenge paintings
 Everywhere! (Bronze)
Take part at least once in the 4 different Challenges
 First steps (Bronze)
Win a Bronze cup at the end of a Challenge
 On the way to the top! (Bronze)
Win a Silver cup at the end of a Challenge
 A true champion (Bronze)
Win a Gold cup at the end of a Challenge
 I'm ahead! (Bronze)
Beat one of your friends' scores in a Challenge
 The competitor (Silver)
Beat your friends' scores in the Challenges 30 times
 Truly awesome! (Silver)
Reach the final level of Awesomeness

Friday, August 23, 2013

Grand Theft Auto V trophy list is out! (courtesy

Grand Theft Auto V - Trophies
There are 39 Known Trophies.
Los Santos Legend (Platinum)
Congratulations! You're Vinewood's biggest star!
Solid Gold, Baby! (Gold)
Earn any 70 Gold Medals on Missions, Strangers and Freaks.
Career Criminal (Gold)
Attain 100% Game Completion.
San Andreas Sightseer (Silver)
Explore all of Los Santos and Blaine County
All's Fare in Love and War (Bronze)
Purchase Downtown Cab Co. and complete a private fare.
TP Industries Arms Race (Bronze)
Purchase McKenzie Field Hangar and win the arms race.
Multi-Disciplined (Silver)
Attain a gold medal in all applicable hobbies and pastimes.
From Beyond the Stars (Bronze)
Collect and return all spaceship parts.
A Mystery, Solved (Bronze)
Solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson.
Waste Management (Bronze)
Purchase the old dock and collect all nuclear waste.
Red Mist (Bronze)
Complete all Rampages.
Show Off (Bronze)
Complete all Stunt Jumps.
Kifflom! (Silver)
Complete your path to enlightenment... or not.
Three Man Army (Bronze)
Survive 3 minutes on at least a 3 star Wanted Level with all three characters together off mission.
Out of Your Depth (Bronze)
You're gonna need a bigger boat...
Altruist Acolyte (Bronze)
Deliver an unsuspecting victim to the Altruist Cult.
A Lot of Cheddar (Bronze)
Spend a total of $200 million across all three characters.
Trading Pure Alpha (Bronze)
Make a profit over your total investments in the stock market.
Pimp My Sidearm (Bronze)
Fully mod a weapon.
Wanted: Alive or Alive (Bronze)
Deliver a bail bond target alive.
Los Santos Customs (Bronze)
Fully mod a vehicle.
Close Shave (Bronze)
Complete all Under the Bridge and Knife Flight challenges.
Off the Plane (Bronze)
GTA Online: Complete the Introduction.
Three-Bit Gangster (Bronze)
GTA Online: Reach Rank 25.
Making Moves (Silver)
GTA Online: Reach Rank 50.
Above the Law (Gold)
GTA Online: Reach Rank 100.
Numero Uno (Bronze)
GTA Online: Obtain first place in all competitive game types.
The Midnight Club (Bronze)
GTA Online: Use custom vehicles to win 5 races.
Unnatural Selection (Bronze)
GTA Online: Complete all 10 waves of a Survival.
Backseat Driver (Bronze)
GTA Online: Direct a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally Mode.
Run Like The Wind (Bronze)
GTA Online: Survive with a Bounty on your head.
Clean Sweep (Bronze)
GTA Online: Finish a Gang Attack without dying and kill at least 10 enemies.
Decorated (Silver)
GTA Online: Earn 30 Platinum Awards.
Stick Up Kid (Bronze)
GTA Online: Hold up all 20 Stores.
Enjoy Your Stay (Bronze)
GTA Online: Participate in everything Los Santos has to offer.
Crew Cut (Bronze)
GTA Online: Complete a Job as a member of a Crew.
Full Refund (Bronze)
GTA Online: Kill the thief that mugged you.
Dialling Digits (Bronze)
GTA Online: Call for gang backup for the first time.
American Dream (Bronze)
GTA Online: Own an Apartment, Garage and an Insured Vehicle
Plus 11 Secret Trophies

First ramble

So "late to the game" would be an understatement, but here is the first blog post of the rest of my life. My name is John, and I am currently a 42 year old man-child.  I find myself caring way too much about things someone my age shouldn't.  I love sports, which is fairly normal for a male in their forties, but I also still love pop culture, movies, music, video games, and other "nerdy" pursuits. What drives me to finally do this is the "big news" out of Hollywood in the last 24 hours-Mr. Ben Affleck being confirmed to portray Bruce Wayne/Batman in the next Warner Bros. superhero film.  Why would this be the impetus to drive me to the blogosphere?  Because I am sick of everyone jumping all over this decision like they know ANYTHING about it. There is nothing that has come out other than the script of the new flick being "informed" by Frank Miller's seminal work "The Dark Knight Returns", and that they were looking to cast an older Batman. That's it! Everything else has been speculation. Certainly nothing that has given us any reason to make an informed judgement on this casting.

While in a vacuum, the predominantly negative reaction to this news shouldn't be enough to get someone fired up and writing a blog, but we live in a world where everything gets keyboard warriors up in arms. As I stated in my introductory paragraph, I love video games.  Anyone with even an ancillary knowledge of what is going on in that world knows about the new console launches from Microsoft and Sony that will be occurring later this year.  The 1% of those people, like myself, spend a lot of time following the news on Twitter, and sites such as IGN.  The articles written, for the most part, are fair, balanced and informative.  That is not the problem.  The problem lies in the comments sections of said articles where there are people who think they can say anything they want without consequence.

I have zero issue with anyone who wants to comment about why they think one console is better than the other, or if they think Ben will make a good Batman, or practically anything that they have passion for.  But what should always be in the front of one's mind is how they deliver that opinion.  There is absolutely never a reason to call people names or deliver hurtful invective to get a point across.  In fact, as a moderator on IGN, if I see certain red flag words, your comment is gone, regardless of what else is in it.

We are fortunate enough to have the ability to have our voices heard in today's day and age.  Don't blow it by acting like a fool.  We must be better than that!
